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Name: Ghostface/Woodsboro Killer/Father Death(Mickey Altieri)

Age: In his mid-late twenties

Attributes/Powers: Those who put on the Ghostface moniker range from being incredibly competant/killing their victims without much trouble to being complete klutzs and stumbling over themselves/over bars of soap and sliding into sinks and such. Mickey's take on the mantle is no different as he's prone to messing up every now and then. But for some odd reason while wearing the costume, the killers become strangley more durable than one might expect a regular human being to be. This often plays into Ghostface's favor when they have victims who suspect victory far too easily.
That said when he's out of the costume, Mickey's about as skilled as your average male college student would be, only a touch psychotic. 
He possesses a pretty knowledgable mindset about movies which helped him to blend in more among other students at the college/help get into Sidney's 'in-crowd.'
For weaponry he usually carries a pistol but he refrains from using it within costume. Only pulling out when he felt he and his partner/co-Ghostface had the situtation in control. Ghostface's main weapon, not just Mickey's is a hunting knife. 

Personality/History: Not much is known of Mickey's early years though given his psychotic tendencies as they're revealed later on during his alliance with Mrs. Loomis, he likely had trouble growing up and his 'escape' as it were was through movies. Something he became quite  adapt in talking about among the few peers who didn't find him 'creepy' or what have you. 
Eventually however Mickey hit hard times and was unable to continue schooling. As far as is known anyhow. But after doing some searching around on a website for would-be serial killers, this is where Mickey ran into the mother of one half of the Woodsboro Killers-Billy Loomis. The two agreed to join up. Mickey would help Mrs Loomis get her revenge and Mrs Loomis would pay for Mickey's college fees/allow him the sensational trial he'd been looking for. 
But along the way however there was a snag. After one of his would-be victims was killed by a man in a very nice suit with a camera attached to his shoulder, Mickey got into an altercation with this man and lost. Instead of killing Mickey however, the man noticed Mickey's insanity and decided that this could be put to some use of his own and so began the partnership of Chromeskull and Ghostface. Mickey would bring Chromeskull back girls of Chromeskull's choosing and Chromeskull would take over Mrs. Loomis's job of 'cashing Mickey's check so to speak.

Costume: The Ghostface costume

Canon: Scream




"Scary night, isn't it?

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